Dear 56 year-old-me,

Everyone writes letters to their younger self or their older self but I want to write a letter to who I am today. Who I am right now. Who I will be when I wake up tomorrow.

It is hard to believe you’re rounding the corner and closer to sixty than you are to fifty. Sixty is the new thirty right?! You are a Gen-Xer … embrace that shit.

Your younger self would be damn proud of where you are today. Everything you have, you have worked hard for. You have used the tools within your grasp and immersed yourself in self-reliance.

With age comes wisdom, but I’m not convinced you have reached “wise-status” yet. You have a long way to go. What you are, though, is a learner. You see the world around you and draw from it. You make countless mistakes and grow from your failures. You get your feelings hurt, but you stand back up. You’re becoming a tough old broad.

As you embark on this new chapter, year FIVE-SIX, here are a few reminders:

Always remember who you were before the world told you who you should be. Be a good person but don’t waste your energy trying to prove it.

If people don’t like you, F them. Only invest in those who invest back in you. You’re not everyone’s cup of tea so choose those who love you “as is”, no warranty needed. Those are your people.

Value friends who love your kids like their own. Choose people who offer them encouragement, humor, and acceptance. One day they may need those arms to hold them as they process painful grief. They are The Village.

Botox is your friend. There is no shame in knocking some of those wrinkles off. Lord knows, you’ll get more.

If your adult kiddos ask you to do anything–from a facetime call to lunch or shopping or coming by the house for dinner… It’s a hell yes.

Keep working to love your body, especially that belly you focus on every time you look in the mirror. It takes lots of practice to love yourself, never give up.

If your daughter wants to get matching tattoos, do it. Just not on your neck. Or your boob.

Don’t expect others to think the way you do. And don’t let disappointing experiences bitter you. Grow beyond it.

Face your fears. Sooner than later those fears will be regrets. Be bold and let go of the need for perfection. Sometimes good enough is good enough.

Appreciate your spouse. You picked a keeper. Love him hard.

Nurture your relationships with your girlfriends. Time with the girls never fails to put a smile on your face and makes you pee your pants with laughter. Literally.

Stay busy, but not too busy to do the things you love. Find your wings and stay new. Old is a stale state of mind.

Don’t worry about trying to stay young, focus on trying to stay classy. Age with grace. Draw inspiration, not comparison, from the fabulous women that surround you.

You have more money now–no need to stay in crappy hotels. One day you will fly first class. When it happens, enjoy the moment!

Walk into the next season of life with the same joy and enthusiasm you entered your twenties and thirties with. Eyes up and embrace what’s ahead.

Eat the fries. Drink the champagne. Order the dessert.

Rock 56 because you only get to do it for one year. Make that year count.

With love,


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