Buckle Up- Carpool is an Adventure
I was driving around the other day when it hit me. I miss carpool. Ten years ago I would have laughed if you told me I would miss it. The constant dashing around, rushing to get out the door because we didn’t want to make others late. Some days being dressed in...
The Misunderstood Love Language
Every Christmas my husband writes me a poem. It’s cheesy and sentimental—a combination of humor and love. There’s no monetary value but it’s a priceless gift. It makes me feel loved. Almost everyone knows the 5 Love Languages theory. This idea that we express and...
I’m Raising Someone’s Husband
My oldest son sent me this. His fiancé was moving states to join him at his new job so he made this welcome basket and had it on the counter when she arrived after the 8-hour drive. It was a proud mom-moment, but I take no-credit for what he did. It was all him....
Lessons Learned Around a Dining Room Table
I grew up in a small home but with big love. We didn’t have a formal dining room, rather a spot between the kitchen and family room where a space was created. My parents had a round oak table, barely big enough for the four of us, but because of the leaf we could...
10 Relationship Red Flags to Share With Your Teenager
Last week I was invited to join a group of women to see the recently released movie “It Ends with Us”. I had not read the book so I went into the movie thinking it was a rom-com. . I was incorrect. It is a love story, but not a romantic love story. It is a damaged...
Dear Me
Dear 56 year-old-me, Everyone writes letters to their younger self or their older self but I want to write a letter to who I am today. Who I am right now. Who I will be when I wake up tomorrow. It is hard to believe you’re rounding the corner and closer to sixty...
Why Parents Need to Chill out on Their Back-to-School Excitement
As August draws near and parents prepare for back-to-school, be mindful that your child might not be as excited as you are for them to return to school—especially those in middle school and high school. While parents see the excitement of a new year and new...
PSA-Avoid This Word on IG
It’s my pet peeve. Sounds silly because it’s just one word. I know it’s meant as a compliment, but I’m coming clean. I am not a fan when someone comments the word “GOALS” on a social media post. I see that word and I cringe. Every.Single.Time. Aren’t goals a good...
We Show Up
Last weekend I drove two hours to attend the funeral of a dear friend's father-in-law. It was a no-brainer whether I would go or not. It was a chance to support her and her family, so it was without question. As I was walking up to the church, her sister saw me and...
It’s Okay To Get Lost
Last week I ran to the mall to return something at Lululemon. It was supposed to be a quick trip—make the return and leave. Because I had no intention of perusing the mall, I parked in a different spot than I usually do because it was closest to Lululemon. I stayed...