Buckle Up- Carpool is an Adventure

I was driving around the other day when it hit me. I miss carpool.  Ten years ago I would have laughed if you told me I would miss it. The constant dashing around, rushing to get out the door because we didn’t want to make others late. Some days being dressed in the...


A Mom’s Magic at Christmas

“The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads” … Every year on Christmas Eve, I read “Twas the Night Before Christmas” to my kids. We all sit on one bed--usually a dog pile or WWE match occurs during the...

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Beyond the Whistle

High school sports are the best.  Unpaid athletes coming together for the sole issue of being part of a team, representing their school and community and playing a sport they love.  Sure, some do it in hopes of gaining a scholarship but since the percentage of high...

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The Motherhood of the Brotherhood

Thanksgiving Day means gratitude, family, and feeding our faces all day with obnoxious amounts of food. It means morning Turkey Trots, afternoon naps, evening lounging and laughing with those you love.  For high school football players, practicing on Thanksgiving...

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Another Day, Another Tragedy

Dear America, What’s going on? Another day, another tragedy. Hasn’t this year been bad enough? When will it end? As soon as we stop the bleeding on one wound, you open another. I’m angry at you for allowing the hemorrhaging to continue and the acts of pure hatred...

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The Best Thirty Minutes

The call came on Saturday night around 9:40pm.  "Hi Mom" the familiar voice said.  I stopped, smiled and without thinking found myself gravitating towards his bedroom, a place that once kept him safe every night and cocooned him from the world. But now- as a...

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