Just Doing Life
And Just Like That, Everything is Different
I witnessed a car accident yesterday. In fact, two or three seconds made the difference in me getting struck and the car next to me being clobbered. Even though I wasn’t hit, I saw the entire accident play out and I was the 911 call. It was upsetting and even...
I Took Auto-Shop in High School, not Robotics
Dearly beloved, we have gathered here to get through this thing called life. I was in high school during the '80s. A long time ago. To teenagers today, we are old and weathered. They don't know that at one time we were cool, with-it, chic and hip.... at least in...
Giving Birth to The First Blog
Welcome to Thera-Mom Blog! I feel as if I've been wanting to write a blog for a very long gestation period. It's been cooking in my head and it feels like a pregnancy, waiting to give birth to something I am so excited about but also know so little about. It's the...