Buckle Up- Carpool is an Adventure

I was driving around the other day when it hit me. I miss carpool.  Ten years ago I would have laughed if you told me I would miss it. The constant dashing around, rushing to get out the door because we didn’t want to make others late. Some days being dressed in the...


Dear Parent of a 2020 Graduate

Dear Parent of a 2020 Graduate, I am sorry.  I am so sorry for what is happening in our world that has affected your child’s senior year. It is heartbreaking. There is no nice way to convey how sad I am for you other than to say, “It sucks”.  COVID-19 has disrupted...

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All Too Soon…

Last weekend I was in Las Vegas, the City of Lights. Before you conjure ideas of a weekend filled with flashy shows, incredible restaurants and glitz and glamour, let me clarify. I was Las Vegas supporting my 15-year-old daughter at a 3-day long volleyball...

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