Hello! My name is Kelly Richardson
I am a Licensed Psychotherapist as well as a Mom, hence the name “Thera-Mom”.
I live in Northern California with my husband, and our two dogs Sunshine and Fergie. I love being a therapist and offering a safe place for people to take their mask off for one hour and just be themselves. As simple as it sounds, it can be life-changing. I have the privilege every day of watching people’s lives transform as they let go of trying to be who they aren’t and start embracing all that they are. More importantly, I love being a MOM. Each of my kids is so amazingly different, it’s hard to believe they share the same gene pool.
Like most moms, I wear a lot of hats– sister, daughter, wife, friend, mother, cousin, worker. Our roles and jobs are varied and in one day we can wear five or ten different hats. As women, we represent so much within us because each hat matters and each hat allows another side of ourselves to shine.
Let’s be honest- being a Mom is a full-time job no matter how old your kids are and finding time to just do you feels impossible. It’s nice to have a place where we can do life together–unapologetically and authentically–like in my therapy office. Walk this crazy journey called life with me, as hectic and stressful as it may seem at times.
Read my blogs, comment with your thoughts, challenge my thinking, share your ideas, and help me, help you. Thank you Jerry Maguire.
Kelly’s Latest Blog Posts
If Your Teenager is in a Relationship, This is a Must Watch
It’s important to teach our teenagers what an unhealthy relationship looks like and give them permission to break up with someone who does not make them happy.
Sometimes the Best Answer Doesn’t Come from Your Mouth, It Comes from Your Arms
Sometimes the best conversations with our teenagers are the ones that all we do is listen and offer a hug. Effective communication is not in our words but often lies in our arms.
Five Reasons Therapy Is Cool
Therapy is cool. It can be a life-changing decision that brings peace and clarity to our lives. Here are 5 reasons #therapy is cool.
What Are The Five Most Dangerous Words We Say?
What are the 5 most dangerous words we can say to ourselves? You might be surprised. And what is FOPO and how can we avoid it? This Tuesday Truth offers tools and tips on following what makes you happy and staying true to yourself.
I Am a Teenager
The TheraMom team put out a simple invite: “If you are a teenager and want to share a few of your thoughts on mental health, how it affects teenagers or what adults should know, please reach out to me.” The messages received from teenagers across the country were...
Now More Than Ever, What Your Teenager Needs to Have in Their Phone
As we see depression and anxiety rising in teenagers, this is one thing every teenager should have in their phone. Teaching our teenagers that it's okay to reach out to trusted adults is an important message.
Four Tips to Help your Teenager be more Motivated with School
Motivating your teenager for distance learning can be difficult. Here are 4 simple tools that can help motivate them to tackle the challenges of distant learning.
We Will Miss the Boys of Fall
Please help me. I’m desperate. What do people do on the weekends during the fall if they aren’t watching football? What does a typical Friday night or Saturday look like during September, October and November? What should I look forward to if it’s not the start of...
Our Attitude Reflects Our Altitude
The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can't are both right. Here how this simple phrase can help encourage your student to not give up when school or learning becomes hard. Helping our kids develop a "can-do" attitude is essential if they are going to...
How One Piece of Paper Changes Parenting
I’m not going to lie… I cried. Today was my youngest child’s drivers test. The last of my little birdies to be launched into the world of driving themselves. She was scheduled to get it in June on her birthday but because of all the shut downs, her big day was...
If You Dread Distance Learning, Here is One Tool to Help Your Student
Why is online or distance learning so difficult? Because one size does not fit all. Our kids are unique and different, from their personality and temperaments to their individualized learning style. Everyone learns differently. Hear the different learning styles...
25 Years Later, This is Us
Mom… I met a boy. You did? What’s his name? Kris. He’s really tall and he’s really cute. Is Tall Kris nice? Is he funny? Is he smart? Seems like it. I think you and Dad would like him. Oh, maybe we will meet Tall Kris one day. That’s a long way off but who knows....
Three Important Bones We Need Our Teens to Develop
Why it is so important to teach your teenager to laugh at themselves, stick up for themselves, and set goals and dreams for their future. As parents, we can help develop and encourage these "bones" to help our teenagers be more successful as they emerge into adulthood.
The Three C’s of Dealing with an Angry Teenager
Parenting teens is hard, but dealing with an angry teenager is even harder. Here are three simple tips to help make the communication more effective and hopefully help give better results.
Hey Teens: Think Outside the Box if You Want a 2020 Summer Job
The summer of 2020 is looking different for our teenagers and they need to be creative if they want to find employment or make a couple of extra bucks during their time off.