Buckle Up- Carpool is an Adventure

I was driving around the other day when it hit me. I miss carpool.  Ten years ago I would have laughed if you told me I would miss it. The constant dashing around, rushing to get out the door because we didn’t want to make others late. Some days being dressed in the...


Does a Piece of Plastic Buy Self Esteem?

I remember it so well. My now college-age son played on a recreation youth basketball team as a little fella.  They were terrible, maybe scored 4 points in a game, if they were lucky. They were so bad it was cute… kinda.  At the end of the season I mentioned to my...

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Keeping Up With the Wiotosots

It used to be we had to keep up with the Joneses-- the fictional family who had it all. That morphed into Keeping with the Kardashians- another somewhat fictional family who capitalized on pretending to have it all and used social media to skyrocket themselves to...

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Dear Middle Child

Dear Middle Child, I see you. It sucks not being the oldest (hello privileges) and not being the youngest (hello baby). You’re caught in the middle and you’ve had to carve your own title in our crazy family. You remind us often that your older brother is cherished,...

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