She Told Me To “Loosen The Grip”
As a mom, we all need this reminder. We want happy days, easy times, moments of love and laughter with our kids. Oh how wonderful it would be if it was always like that. But parenting is hard, so damn hard. There are days where we want to call “uncle” and run away....
Ain’t No Hood Like Motherhood
My phone blew up on Sunday. It was lovely. I am blessed to have different female friendships from all seasons of my life. An amazing array of strong women who span across the country that have become part of the fabric of who I am as a mother. Whether we did...
Where You Lead, I’ll Follow
Recently my daughter and I did a much needed impromptu escape. Turns out sometimes escaping can actually be reconnecting. We were supposed to go look at colleges, do some exploring of potential places she might want to spend 4 years of her life. Check out new...
Quieting the Inner Critic
Sometimes we need a reminder to quiet that inner critic that feeds you lies about yourself. People with a strong inner critic tend to have one thing in common: However great their success, they don't feel it's genuine or enough. So they may push themselves more,...
He Called Her “My Person”
This week I helped a grown man process the death of his mom. She died when he was 12 years old and he now has a full beard and a chiseled jawline. He is not the same little boy... but his heart is the same little heart. For so many years he had held his sadness and...
51 Shades of Gray… I’m in!
Last week I had a terrible day. Absolutely awful. My phone froze and I lost everything- all my text messages, contacts, calendar and all my apps. It felt disastrous. I did not handle it well. I found myself thinking in absolutes. Technology things always happen to...
I can’t help but feel today represents all the strong and determined women that came before us. The women who fought for equal rights and equal pay, the women who fought to be given the same opportunities to achieve their dreams and do more than just type memos for...
Simple Tips to Help Your Mental Health
Now more than ever we need to put our mental health FIRST. So many things are weighing on us- our/other people’s health, our jobs, politics, finances, boredom, and isolation, to name a few. When our world feels chaotic, we feel chaotic internally. Taking care of...
A Win, A Blown Tire and a Night The Universe Slowed Us Down
If there is one thing I have learned, it is to trust the universe. For most people, December signifies holiday season. People are busy with decorating their homes, shopping, gift wrapping, baking and fun parties. For those who love the holidays, it is the most...
25 Years Later, This is Us
Mom… I met a boy. You did? What’s his name? Kris. He’s really tall and he’s really cute. Is Tall Kris nice? Is he funny? Is he smart? Seems like it. I think you and Dad would like him. Oh, maybe we will meet Tall Kris one day. That’s a long way off but who knows....