Self Care
The Power is in the Period
I’m coming clean. Truth time. In hopes of being authentic, I’m taking my mask off and digging deep. I’m unloading my laundry, literally. Here goes: My sock basket is never empty. (wince) As a matter of fact, I haven’t seen the bottom of it for like 8 years. I...
Dear 50…
Dear 50, You got me. I ducked and dodged you all year and you finally caught me. Time is undefeated. Everyone says you’re just a number but we both know, it’s a big number. When I was a perky little twenty-something, I thought of 50-year-olds as over the hill,...
Are You a Duffle Bag or a Dump Truck?
I over-pack. Every single time I swear, “This trip I’m only going to take what I know I will need, not take anything extra, travel light.” And yet every time, my suitcase is heavier than I expect, jammed with things I will never use or wear. A four-day trip? I...
Don’t Ask Me to Clean Up Your Spilled Milk
Our brain is a funny little highway in our head--a complicated processing system that takes what we input, processes it, receives a message, and then stores that message somewhere. With the help of 100 billion (give or take a few) neurons, it does this...
The Warrior Woman Challenge
I’m tired of it. I’m done. I’m over it. My daughter is in middle school. I’m disheartened by the way girls treat girls. It’s upsetting and frankly, scary. We know the influence a mother has on her daughter and that modeling has much to do with how our children...
What Lies Beneath the Uniform
So young. So promising. So talented. Tonight, the sudden death of Washington State’s quarterback Tyler Hilinski rocked the sports world. At 21 years old, his death is tragic, devastating, and unfathomable. No death of a young person seems understandable but death...
The Forgotten Question
As someone who spent her youth moving from base to base, living in different countries or states, attending six different schools before seventh grade, not a lot in my life was constant. Change was frequent, and a new adventure was around every corner, especially...
2018: The Year you Create the Outcome you Want
I didn’t create it or think of it, but I do choose to live by it. Instead of naming off three or four resolutions for 2018 that will be broken or forgotten come February, I am adopting a mantra for the year or for the math-minded people (not me!), a formula, to...
More Blessing, Less Stressing
Let’s face it, the holidays are stressful. Like acne producing, can’t fall asleep, list after list, stuff-my-face-with-carbs kind of stressful. There is so much to do, so many people to remember, so much money to spend… so much of everything. It’s overkill and...
Dear Twenty-Year-Old Me
Yesterday I assigned one of my patients the homework of writing to her 20-year-old self. She was struggling and needed to offer the same grace and forgiveness to her young self that she would offer to others. Knowing what I know now, what would I say to...