Hello! My name is Kelly Richardson
I am a Licensed Psychotherapist as well as a Mom, hence the name “Thera-Mom”.
I live in Northern California with my husband, and our two dogs Sunshine and Fergie. I love being a therapist and offering a safe place for people to take their mask off for one hour and just be themselves. As simple as it sounds, it can be life-changing. I have the privilege every day of watching people’s lives transform as they let go of trying to be who they aren’t and start embracing all that they are. More importantly, I love being a MOM. Each of my kids is so amazingly different, it’s hard to believe they share the same gene pool.
Like most moms, I wear a lot of hats– sister, daughter, wife, friend, mother, cousin, worker. Our roles and jobs are varied and in one day we can wear five or ten different hats. As women, we represent so much within us because each hat matters and each hat allows another side of ourselves to shine.
Let’s be honest- being a Mom is a full-time job no matter how old your kids are and finding time to just do you feels impossible. It’s nice to have a place where we can do life together–unapologetically and authentically–like in my therapy office. Walk this crazy journey called life with me, as hectic and stressful as it may seem at times.
Read my blogs, comment with your thoughts, challenge my thinking, share your ideas, and help me, help you. Thank you Jerry Maguire.
Kelly’s Latest Blog Posts
An Open Letter to Brandy Melville
Dear Brandy Melville, I have a beef with you. If I’m being honest, I think you suck. Sure, some of your clothes are cute and probably comfortable, but I abhor what you stand for. You represent the opposite of everything I work on daily with teenage girls in my...
Dear High School Graduate
Dear High School Graduate, How can it be that just four short years ago I was writing to you as you entered high school? I gave you advice such as stay organized, be involved with school activities and ask for help when you needed it. I encouraged you to get to...
As Her Brother Takes A Step Into His New Life, She Will Take A Step Into Hers
It’s official. In exactly one month from today we drop my middle off at college. He leaves home, launches into adulthood, and spread his wings. Time to fly, Baby. While I sit and ponder, or if I’m being honest wallow, this change I have dreaded for 18 years, I am...
Kelly’s Law of Attraction
The days are long but the years are short... Yesterday my oldest turned 21 years old. Like I-can-go-buy-a-bottle-of-Jack-Daniels 21. Like give-me-a-shot 21. Like I-am-a-man 21. All-day I kept thinking about the juice box drinking, Gatorade chugging, milk-shake...
In Case You Didn’t Know
I can't count the times I almost said what's on my mindBut I didn'tJust the other dayI wrote down all the things I'd sayBut I couldn'tI just couldn'tI know that you've been wonderingMmm, so here goes nothing…. In case you didn’t knowI’m so thankful for youWithout...
What’s the D-Word? And How Does it Affect You?
Our world is complicated and confusing. We all know what the F-word is (slips out occasionally, some of us more than others) and we all know what the C-word (a contender for one of the most offensive words) is but what most people don’t talk about is what the...
The Older Your Child Gets, The Closer the Goodbye Becomes
I remember the first day of kindergarten. I remember how far away your senior year in high school seemed and how unimaginable it was that one day you would be leaving me. I once heard the older your child gets, the closer the goodbye becomes… and it’s so painfully...
Is your Teenager Taking Care of The Big Three?
A teenager’s eyes tell all. As parents, we take one glance and it’s written all over their face. We know when something is wrong and when they aren’t their best. We immediately start guessing, decoding or deciphering what’s happening and more importantly, we want...
Can you pick just One Word?
Life is pretty simple. We complicate it and make things so much more difficult than it needs to be. We insist on overthinking, over-analyzing, and over exaggerating. We judge, complain, and criticize ourselves as well as others. We bury ourselves beneath the...
Decoding Your Teen! Kelly Richardson joins The Doctors
Read the full article here: The Doctors - Decoding Your Teen!
Hey SAT– You Suck!
Yes, Scholastic Aptitude Test, I’m talking to you. It’s time someone spoke the truth and put you in your place. As the parent of a high school senior, I’m giving you a piece of my mind. I was taught to never use the word “hate”. We could say dislike, detest or...
Girl, Drive Your Bus
Lies. We tell ourselves lies every day. We go one step further. We make ourselves believe the lies. We embrace the lies, live the lies, and define ourselves by the lies. We are so sure the lies are real that we tell other people our lies because we want others...
A Daughter’s Lesson
Dear Mom and Dad, I get it. I freakin’ get it! It took me a while but I finally think I know what you meant when many moons ago, in a heated moment, when you told me, “One day, you will understand.” Wait. Understand what? You never answered me but those words...
Dear Boy-Moms… It’s a Big Job
Dear Boy-Moms, We have a big job. It’s a daunting task. To know we are raising someone’s future husband seems so far-fetched when they are little fella's playing in the mud and building forts in our living room. But our little boys grow up and become big boys and...
The Power is in the Period
I’m coming clean. Truth time. In hopes of being authentic, I’m taking my mask off and digging deep. I’m unloading my laundry, literally. Here goes: My sock basket is never empty. (wince) As a matter of fact, I haven’t seen the bottom of it for like 8 years. I...