Self Care
No Goodbye Is An Easy Goodbye
They prepare you for the first goodbye. You know what to expect and you feel armed with tools to get you through. Lunches with friends, traveling, remodeling a room or two, finding new interests. It helps salve the parent-heart that suddenly feels so lost and...
Matthew McConaughey would call it a GREENLIGHT. In his book (highly recommend!!), he describes a yellow light or red light as something that slows us down– perhaps an interruption, a hardship, a failure, or a disappointment. A GREENLIGHT, though, is a sign to “go,...
2023… My Word for the Year
New year, new word. Last year my word for 2022 was ADVENTURE, and I made sure I lived that word to the fullest. I embraced an empty nest, new experiences, more spontaneity and explored new places with curiosity and wonder. I said yes to scary things and tried to be...
Master being Smart: Lessons Learned in an Uber
Sometimes we are the teacher and sometimes we are the student. Last weekend on my way home from Calgary I took a very early morning Uber to the airport. By coincidence or by fate, I got Hafiz as my driver. Twenty five minutes later, I was dropped off and felt like...
When Life Calls for The Boogie Dance
One of the best things about my job is when I get to be part of unexpected, but very profound, moments in peoples lives. On occasion, I’ve been known to do “the boogie dance” in a session, where I stand up and do a little jitter bug to express my joy in whatever...
It’s time!!
2022 is here and it’s time to pick another word going forward. I stopped making resolutions and started picking a “word of the year” a few years back. Most people make New Years resolutions and have failed them by January 31. Often, the resolutions simply get...
Please Don’t Judge Me for Having An “Ugly” Christmas Tree
When I was fresh out of college in my first real job, I was invited to a Christmas lunch at the home of one of my co-workers. Her house was lovely, out of a magazine with boughs of holly and wreathes perfectly placed everywhere. The tree was like nothing I had ever...
The Final Chapter in Book One
If we have 17 chapters with our kids until their Book of Childhood is done, I’m at the beginning of the last chapter. Their Childhood. Their Journey. Their Story to tell. Book One, Chapter 17: The one where it all ties together. Gasp. Tear. Sob. It feels like I...
Three Powerful Words Every Woman Needs External Inbox
Recently a dear friends mom passed after a long battle with cancer. The older I get, this season of life becomes inevitable. Our parents aging, dealing with illnesses and facing their mortality. And even though we are adults that should be equipped to deal with...
Ain’t No Hood Like Motherhood
My phone blew up on Sunday. It was lovely. I am blessed to have different female friendships from all seasons of my life. An amazing array of strong women who span across the country that have become part of the fabric of who I am as a mother. Whether we did...