Just Doing Life
Dear 50…
Dear 50, You got me. I ducked and dodged you all year and you finally caught me. Time is undefeated. Everyone says you’re just a number but we both know, it’s a big number. When I was a perky little twenty-something, I thought of 50-year-olds as over the hill,...
Evening of Dreams: A Night to Remember
Sometimes a picture doesn’t do a moment justice. The moment is too big, too amazing, too special. The picture may show smiles and happy faces but what the picture doesn’t tell is the love and kindness that has created the smiles and happy faces. The picture...
The Forgotten Question
As someone who spent her youth moving from base to base, living in different countries or states, attending six different schools before seventh grade, not a lot in my life was constant. Change was frequent, and a new adventure was around every corner, especially...
A Mom’s Magic at Christmas
“The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads” … Every year on Christmas Eve, I read “Twas the Night Before Christmas” to my kids. We all sit on one bed--usually a dog pile or WWE match occurs during the...
The Best Christmas Present I Hated
I remember it all too well, Christmas of 1977. My family was stationed in Plattsburgh, New York which during winter feels like the North Pole. Being raised in a military family, “extra money” was nonexistent. My parents were on a very tight budget but somehow,...
When Did Opening a Door Require an Apology?
Ever have one of those moments that should be so fleeting or benign but for some reason you can’t stop thinking about it? Someone says something in passing and while we usually forget those brief interactions, sometimes short-lived moments stick like gum on a shoe....
Thank you Teachers, You Made a Difference
November is the month for being thankful, showing gratitude and having reflection on our lives and our blessings. We seem to thank and appreciate everyone and everything, so much that genuine appreciation sometimes gets lost. I laugh during the year when I see...
And Just Like That, Everything is Different
I witnessed a car accident yesterday. In fact, two or three seconds made the difference in me getting struck and the car next to me being clobbered. Even though I wasn’t hit, I saw the entire accident play out and I was the 911 call. It was upsetting and even...
I Took Auto-Shop in High School, not Robotics
Dearly beloved, we have gathered here to get through this thing called life. I was in high school during the '80s. A long time ago. To teenagers today, we are old and weathered. They don't know that at one time we were cool, with-it, chic and hip.... at least in...
Giving Birth to The First Blog
Welcome to Thera-Mom Blog! I feel as if I've been wanting to write a blog for a very long gestation period. It's been cooking in my head and it feels like a pregnancy, waiting to give birth to something I am so excited about but also know so little about. It's the...