Hello! My name is Kelly Richardson
I am a Licensed Psychotherapist as well as a Mom, hence the name “Thera-Mom”.
I live in Northern California with my husband, and our two dogs Sunshine and Fergie. I love being a therapist and offering a safe place for people to take their mask off for one hour and just be themselves. As simple as it sounds, it can be life-changing. I have the privilege every day of watching people’s lives transform as they let go of trying to be who they aren’t and start embracing all that they are. More importantly, I love being a MOM. Each of my kids is so amazingly different, it’s hard to believe they share the same gene pool.
Like most moms, I wear a lot of hats– sister, daughter, wife, friend, mother, cousin, worker. Our roles and jobs are varied and in one day we can wear five or ten different hats. As women, we represent so much within us because each hat matters and each hat allows another side of ourselves to shine.
Let’s be honest- being a Mom is a full-time job no matter how old your kids are and finding time to just do you feels impossible. It’s nice to have a place where we can do life together–unapologetically and authentically–like in my therapy office. Walk this crazy journey called life with me, as hectic and stressful as it may seem at times.
Read my blogs, comment with your thoughts, challenge my thinking, share your ideas, and help me, help you. Thank you Jerry Maguire.
Kelly’s Latest Blog Posts
Hey Parents… Here is what NOT to say when talking to your kids about college
Learning to talk kindly to yourself is such an important reminder. This book suggestion addresses the value of practicing self compassion and learning to quiet your inner critic.
He Was Ready, But Was I? A Mom’s Story of What Not to Do for College Drop Off
It’s a story I’m embarrassed to tell. But we moms need to shed our shame-coats and share these moments because mom-love is a universal language. The day we dropped my oldest son off to begin his freshman year of college feels like yesterday. It was one of my...
She’s the Laverne to My Shirley
Last Friday my daughter and I went to brunch with my best friend from middle school and her daughter. We’ve known each other since we were 12 years old with pimples and flat chests. It’s so incredibly fun when we are together. The laughter is loud (ask the people...
Appreciating The Gift of Time
Today is my mom’s 77 th birthday. She is 77 years young. Yesterday we took her for a birthday lunch. We had to work it around my boy’s summer football schedule and go at 2pm. No complaints from Nana. I could have told her lunch was at 10 pm and she would have said...
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse
Learning to talk kindly to yourself is such an important reminder. This book suggestion addresses the value of practicing self compassion and learning to quiet your inner critic.
She Told Me To “Loosen The Grip”
As a mom, we all need this reminder. We want happy days, easy times, moments of love and laughter with our kids. Oh how wonderful it would be if it was always like that. But parenting is hard, so damn hard. There are days where we want to call “uncle” and run away....
The Final Chapter in Book One
If we have 17 chapters with our kids until their Book of Childhood is done, I’m at the beginning of the last chapter. Their Childhood. Their Journey. Their Story to tell. Book One, Chapter 17: The one where it all ties together. Gasp. Tear. Sob. It feels like I...
Three Powerful Words Every Woman Needs External Inbox
Recently a dear friends mom passed after a long battle with cancer. The older I get, this season of life becomes inevitable. Our parents aging, dealing with illnesses and facing their mortality. And even though we are adults that should be equipped to deal with...
Dear Class of 2021
There is nothing to say to you that hasn’t been said. We are sorry. Nothing happened the way you imagined. You were robbed. It sucks. It wasn’t fair. I’m sure you’ve heard it all. Our words are not intended to take away your disappointments, dismiss your feelings...
Ain’t No Hood Like Motherhood
My phone blew up on Sunday. It was lovely. I am blessed to have different female friendships from all seasons of my life. An amazing array of strong women who span across the country that have become part of the fabric of who I am as a mother. Whether we did...
Love is the Best Gift Shared Between Generations
Just a little reminder that time spent with grandparents is never time wasted! Make time for people who are are your history.
Living With Monks
A good book full of little life lessons about what happens when we slow down long enough to simplify it. Many important reminders and takeaways.
Be Your Own Michelangelo
When I was a little girl I was certain I wanted to be Tinkerbell at Disneyland. I wanted to wear that cute little green costume, fly over the parade down Main Street and sprinkle pixie dust... for the rest of my life. As I got older, that dream changed. I went...
Where You Lead, I’ll Follow
Recently my daughter and I did a much needed impromptu escape. Turns out sometimes escaping can actually be reconnecting. We were supposed to go look at colleges, do some exploring of potential places she might want to spend 4 years of her life. Check out new...
JOMO… a Whole New Lens!
I saw this recently and I loved seeing JOMO!! Why had I never heard that term??!! I’m so late to the party. FOMO... the arch enemy of all of us. The joy robber, the anxiety creater, the social media trap. The fear that we are missing out, unincluded, unimportant,...